Monday, July 5, 2010

my birthday weekend!!

just reppin my red, white, and blue... on the BDAY... the big 23!!
CJ CAME!!! it was really fun to have him here for the weekend. we just hung out with the fam bam, ate food (too much if you ask me... i am getting married in two weeks here... i need to cut back!!)

we all went to the padre game on friday night.. sat in the all you can eat seats...(you see what i mean about over doing it... haha)

all you can drink too... our family really did well and too full advantage of that... we are also addicted to Diet Coke...I honestly think i drank 7 lil ones... and i think everyone in our family too!! haha

just capturing some moments.... i scrapbook now.... on my free time... haha every picture counts!

1 comment:


Happy belated birthday! I'm turning the big 2-5 on Friday. Kinda freaking out about it... Looks like you're doing well. The wedding is almost here!!!